Tuesday, February 16, 2010

what's new with me


well, it's official.  we're ttc #5.  if we have the same luck we've had in the past, i'll be pg within a few weeks.  :D

excited and terrified at the same time, which i know is normal. 

wanting a waterbirth at home this time since i distinctly remember the comfort that warm water submersion provided in past labors, although i was never able to deliver in the water.  :(  i wish my awesome midwife could do homebirths.

gonna try hypnobabies CDs to ease anxieties about birth.  gotta re-read ina may's guide to childbirth -- so empowering.

getting through a cold at the moment.  saline, benadryl, ibuprofen, and codeine.  yay.

trying to help revive GAP, which has been suffering greatly as of late since the founding mama's husband is stage 4 melanoma and has very little time left.  hoping to get a planning committee up and running soon.

recently joined a newly-formed local babywearing group.  got to demonstrate slinging twinfants at the first meeting.  :D

been knitting a lot lately.  mostly soakers and toys.  bartering toys for devin's tuition at morning meadow waldorf preschool.  wish i could send both twins there next year, but waaay too expensive.  hoping to list some things in my etsy store soon.

have been listing books for sale on amazon and diapers for sale on diaperswappers.  need money!

applied for foodstamps.  hubby got laid off last may and we've been living on a very inadequate unemployment wage -- $1152/month.  not enough for 6 people.  spent up all the assets just living, so now we're just about flat broke.  :(

hubby is back in college.  criminal justice major until police academy starts in May.  having to appeal financial aid due to low GPA from 10 years ago.  waiting on GI Bill $ too.  still collecting unemployment until then.

need to have a garage sale.

yes, you could say that this is "not the right time" to be ttc.  well, bugger off.  having children is a spiritual need for me.  my calling, so to speak.  i can't wait for november when i'll be wearing and nursing my newest little'un.  <3

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